Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Trick or Treat

Getting all made up! Olivia just had to be a fairy again this year because she LOVES wearing make up!

Lexi, not so sure about the black face paint or Mama's kisses!

I think Mom had more fun than the kids.....

Lilly the Flower-Power Fairy

A Kitty that needs a home and a very stylish Tiger!

Aunt Mal and Will here for the fun! (or maybe just the candy:)

So glad Aunt Katie was here to help with the costumes and make Monster Cupcakes with the kids! So fun!!! We love you, Aunt Katie.

Best Friends, Livi and Gracie.

Look at all my candy! Yummm!

Hmmm, which piece do I eat first?!

Happy Halloween!


Kelly Hughes said...

love all the costumes. nice work. :) Lexi is very creative! I think Halloween is one of the most fun kid holidays!