Thursday, January 14, 2010


Those of you who know our little Lexi, know she LOVES babies. Well, she has been talking for some time now about how many children she is going to have and how she will raise them!

Lexi would like to be the Mommy to 12 kids. That's right, 12! If you have ever seen her in action you would know she is fully capable of this already at only 6 years old!

Here are a couple of the ideas she will incorporate when she is the Mommy of 12:

(In her own words)
~ " When I have my 12 kids I am going to sit them down in a circle after church and we are all going to take turns praying about what we learned."

~ " If my kids are crying and fighting at each other I am going to make them kiss each other, then I will give them each a kiss and then I will clonk their heads together" I asked her why she would clonk their heads together and she said that it would make them laugh and they would forget about what they were fighting about! GENIUS!
She is such a special girl and we thank God for this precious gift to us. We pray that we are the parents God wants us to be for her and that her heart is soft to the calling of her Heavenly Father on her life!
We love you, Peanut!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

New Addition

Andrew & Ellyn are having a baby!

We are all so very excited about this new addition to the family!

However, knowing Andrew as a little boy, I am a little concerned for what they might have ahead of them! Just kidding, Andrew you're the "best" and I know you will make wonderful parents. :)

Congratulations you guys, we love you and are praying God's blessings for your growing family.

Friday, January 1, 2010

cuTe KId qUoTe

So, we were talking with Olivia about her friends' older sister and Olivia says, " ya, she is really old, she is in her fourteens!"

We love you Livi, you are so precious.
~(one of my favorite pictures of our sweet girl)

Makeover in Minutes!

For my family:
So, it feels kind of strange posting pics of our toilet, but I am so excited about our "new" (" " ~ just for you, brother :) bathroom!

With three kids, this is a room we frequent often. It is so nice to have it all put together. Thanks Mom and Dad for the great gift!