Saturday, September 19, 2009

cUTe kID QuoTE

We were on a family bike ride the other night, enjoying the beautiful weather we've been having. Sean was in the lead with Jack following close behind.
Daddy: "Jack, watch out for the big bump." Jack rides over the big bump and exclaims, "Uh! That was unkindness.... to my butt!"

Our Boy

Jack is always on the go. This is what happens when he stops!

Backyard Camping and Croquet

Setting up camp.

Daddy showing Jack the basics of fire starting..... (notice the bag of charcoal!)

Measuring out the croquet course.

A thunderstorm came upon us around 10:00pm. Complete with lightning, strong winds and heavy rain. The kids woke up briefly and then went right back to sleep. By 1am Mom and Dad were ready for our own bed! We were very glad it was just a few steps away!