Monday, August 25, 2008

cUte KiD qUOteS

Olivia: "Mom, is the Fullympics on tonight?"

Jack has been referring to himself in the first person lately. Here are a couple examples:

Jack: "Jack needs to wash his hands"

Jack: " Can I please have some more peanuts?"
Mom: " Sure, Jack"
Jack: "Thanks, Jack's Mom"

Where do they come up with this stuff?!!! I am always entertained!

First Day of School!

All ready for the first day of school!!!
New back packs!Lexi at her desk. She had a few first day jitters but she was very brave and we are so proud of her. There are 10 kids in her class. She gets to sit in the front which she was excited about. However, she wasn't thrilled about sitting next to a boy! So cute!

Jack will miss Lexi.

Olivia in 1st grade! There are 10 kids in her class, too. She is a little nervous about staying all day but she is so excited to be with her friends again! She will be studying Life Science this year and the teacher, Mrs. Renstrom, ordered caterpillars for them to watch change into butterflies! How Fun!! You're going to have a great year Livi!

We are so proud of you girls! We love you!

Thank you Grandma M. for all the school supplies and new shoes. It made the first day so much fun!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Good Night Prayers

Now I lay me down to sleep,

I pray the Lord my soul to keep,

Angels watch me through the night,

and keep me in their blessed sight.


Friday, August 8, 2008


Our very nice neighbor, Mr. Bill, gave the kids a water slide he had tucked under his deck. The kids play on it almost every day. Thanks Mr. Bill!!!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Heaven on Earth for Jack!

Vrroom, vrroom! Jack got to "drive" Grandpa M.'s motorcycle!
He had so much fun. He even got to start it and honk the horn!
Thanks Grandpa, I will never forget this!

Love of the Lord

"The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, His mercies never come to an end, they are new every morning, great is Thy faithfulness."
Lamentations 2: 22-23
Thank you for the flowers Katherine and Wyatt!

Strawberry Patch

Strawberry Patch
There is a strawberry patch just a couple of miles from our house. The kids LOVE strawberries so we took them to pick some of their own. They had alot of fun! We ended up with about 8lbs. of berries. We froze 2lbs. for the winter and the kids ate the rest!
The kids did such a great job picking berries.

Jack wasn't allowed to eat the strawberries so he settled for licking them!

The harvest...... yum!

Fourth of July

Fourth of July activities
Swimming at the lake.


Lexi and Grandma Teresa

We had such a memorable holiday! Thank you for the great time Dad & Mom O.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Summer Fun!


Playing at the park with Grandma & Grandpa M. and Aunt Malory.

On our way to Grandpa & Grandma O's for Fourth of July!